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Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research

Willi, Romina

Romina Willi


University of Zurich
Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research
Balgrist University Hospital
Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 510 72 91

Email: romina.willi[at]

Romina Willi studied Physiotherapy at the Thim an der Laan Hochschule für Physiotherapie in Landquart.  After receiving a Diploma in Physiotherapy in 2012, she continued doing her Master Degree, which she received in 2013.
To conduct her Master thesis she spent three months at the Technical University of Lisbon. The topic of the thesis was to measure the energy expenditure during training in patients with cardiac diseases.
Before joining the Paralab Romina Willi has been working in different hospitals in Zürich as a physiotherapist.
In March 2018 she started her PhD in the group of Marc Bolliger. Her work will focus on comparing conventional body weight supported treadmill training to controlled over ground gait training.