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UZH, Clinical Research Priority Programm CRPP Pain (CRPP)
Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC ETHZ) |
EPFL, IRP Chair in Spinal Cord Repair, Prof. G. Courtine (EPFLCourtine) |
ETHZ/UZH, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab, Prof. R. Riener (SMS) |
ETHZ, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab, Prof. R. Gassert (RELAB) |
ETHZ, Translational Neuromodeling Unit, Prof. K.E. Stephan (TNU Stephan) |
ETHZ, Dep. of Health Sciences and Technology, Prof. em. M. E. Schwab (HEST Schwab) |
ETHZ, Biomedical Data Science Lab, Prof. C. Jutzeler (HEST Jutzeler) |
ETHZ, Biomedical Image Computing, Prof. E. Konukoglu (Vision ETHZ) |
Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Prof. Dr. N. Weiskopf (MPI Weiskopf) |
Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Prof. S. Mohammadi (MPI Mohammadi) |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Prof. S.J. Vannesjö (NTNU Vannesjö) |
Polytechnique Montreal, Prof. J. Cohen-Adad (Polymtl Cohen-Adad) |
University of British Columbia, Prof. J. K. Kramer (ICORD Kramer) |
University of Cambridge, The Division of Neurosurgery, Dr. M. Kotter (CU Kotter) |
University College London Hospitals, Prof. A.J. Thompson (UCLHThompson) |
University College London Hospitals, Prof. K. Friston (UCLH Friston) |
University College London Hospitals, Prof. M. Callaghan (UCLH Callaghan) |
University College London Hospitals, Prof. J. Ashburner (UCLH Ashburner) |
University of Oxford, Nuffield Dep. of Clinical Neuroscience (Ox Schmid) |
University Health Network, Dr. M.G. Fehlings (UHNFehlings) |
University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Dr. C. Jones (UA Jones) |
UZH, The Interface Group, Institute of Physiology, Prof. V. Kurtcuoglu (UZH Kurtcuoglu) |
UZH, Prof. em A. Curt (UZH Curt)
Centre de réadaptation en paraplégie Sion (Sion) |
EMSCI Network (EMSCI) |
REHAB Basel (Rehab Basel) |
Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Nottwil (SPZ) |
SwiSCI Netzwerk (SwiSCI) |