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Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research



UZH, Clinical Research Priority Programm CRPP Pain (CRPP)

Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC ETHZ)

EPFL, IRP Chair in Spinal Cord Repair, Prof. G. Courtine (EPFLCourtine)

ETHZ/UZH, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab, Prof. R. Riener (SMS)

ETHZ, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab, Prof. R. Gassert (RELAB)

ETHZ, Translational Neuromodeling Unit, Prof. K.E. Stephan (TNU Stephan)

ETHZ, Dep. of Health Sciences and Technology, Prof. em. M. E. Schwab (HEST Schwab)

ETHZ, Biomedical Data Science Lab, Prof. C. Jutzeler (HEST Jutzeler)

ETHZ, Biomedical Image Computing, Prof. E. Konukoglu (Vision ETHZ)

Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Prof. Dr. N. Weiskopf (MPI Weiskopf)

Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Prof. S. Mohammadi (MPI Mohammadi)

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Prof. S.J. Vannesjö (NTNU Vannesjö)

Polytechnique Montreal, Prof. J. Cohen-Adad (Polymtl Cohen-Adad)

University of British Columbia, Prof. J. K. Kramer (ICORD Kramer)

University of Cambridge, The Division of Neurosurgery, Dr. M. Kotter (CU Kotter)

University College London Hospitals, Prof. A.J. Thompson (UCLHThompson)

University College London Hospitals, Prof. K. Friston (UCLH Friston)

University College London Hospitals, Prof. M. Callaghan (UCLH Callaghan)

University College London Hospitals, Prof. J. Ashburner (UCLH Ashburner)

University of Oxford, Nuffield Dep. of Clinical Neuroscience (Ox Schmid)

University Health Network, Dr. M.G. Fehlings (UHNFehlings)

University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Dr. C. Jones (UA Jones)

UZH, The Interface Group, Institute of Physiology, Prof. V. Kurtcuoglu (UZH Kurtcuoglu)

UZH, Prof. em A. Curt (UZH Curt)



Centre de réadaptation en paraplégie Sion (Sion)


REHAB Basel (Rehab Basel)

Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Nottwil (SPZ)

SwiSCI Netzwerk (SwiSCI)


AO Spine (AOSpine)
Hocoma (Hocoma)