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Congratulations! It is our great pleasure to announce that the article,
Longitudinal motor system changes from acute to chronic spinal cord injury,
which was published in the European Journal of Neurology in 2024, has been
chosen by the European Academy of Neurology to receive the European
Journal of Neurology Jes Olesen Award for the Year 2025.
The Jes Olesen Award is presented to the first author of the best original article, which exhibits scientific quality, originality, and consequences for patients’ health or wellbeing, qualities which your article has been found to demonstrate outstandingly.
Congratulations to the 2024 ASIA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Armin Curt, MD, FRCPC. Dr. Curt is Chief and Director of the Spinal Cord Injury Centre at Balgrist University Hospital. For the first time, the same individual was nominated and chosen as the Sell Lecturer and the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.
Our doctoral student, Joëlle Metzger, was awarded with the best Presentation&Poster prize at the 3rd International Conference on Controversies in Neuropathic Pain in Brussels, 20-21 Nov 2023
Our Prof. Patrick Freund, together with his Swedish colleague Jonas Frisén, was awarded with the highest research award in paraplegia: the Schellenberg Research prize.
Stéphanie van der Lely of the Neuro-Urology research team has won the Swiss Continence Foundation Award 2020 with her research topic: " Multichannel cortical recordings of lower urinary tract sensory evoked potentials to advance the evaluation of viscerosensory pathways" at the annual congress of the International Neuro-Urology Society (INUS), which took place 23-25 January in Istanbul, Turkey.
Best Poster Award category “Early career scholar” at 56th ISCoS (International Spinal Cord Society) Annual Scientific Meeting in Dublin (24.-26. October 2017) for Adrian Cathomen and the MALT Team.
Best Poster Award category Student/Trainee at 56th ISCoS (International Spinal Cord Society) Annual Scientific Meeting in Dublin ( 24.-26. October 2017).
Dr. Marc Bolliger, Dr. Heike Vallery und Dipl Ing. Peter Lutz haben am 13. März mit dem FLOAT den euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2014 gewonnen. Dieser Award wird einmal jährlich an herausragende Beispiele erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeiten zwischen Forschung und Industrie im Bereich Robotik und Automatisierungstechnik verliehen. «Wir freuen uns sehr über den Award, weil er zeigt, dass unsere Arbeit auf internationale Anerkennung stösst und das Potenzial hat, sich als eine neue Therapie für Patienten mit Gangstörungen zu etablieren», so Dr. Marc Bolliger, Leiter Forschung Zentrum für Paraplegie Balgrist.