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University of Zurich |
After working at a school for children with intellectual disabilities, Lennart began studying Health Science at the Technical University of Munich. During this time his focus was on neuropsychology, movement neuroscience and the application of Mixed Reality in medical research. Throughout his studies he was involved in a variety of research projects, including an EIT Health-backed study on the potential of Augmented Reality applications in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.
In parallel to his studies he worked in the clinic for Cognitive Neurology of the Ludwig Maximilian University's Hospital. Here his main focus was research on the dementia assessment of people with Down's Syndrome.
Lennart conducted his Master thesis in the Psychophysiology lab at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry. In his thesis he conducted a behavioral experiment combining immersive Virtual Reality and motion analyses in order to examine the avoidance behavior of humans in the context of anxiety disorders.
Lennart joined PD Dr. Linard Filli's group in 2022, where he will examine the role of the reticulospinal system in movement control and neuroplasticity after spinal cord injury.