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Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research

Holliger, Nicole

Nicole Holliger


University of Zurich
Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research
Balgrist University Hospital
Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich

Email: nicole.holliger[at]

Nicole Holliger studied Health Science and Technology at the ETH Zurich and received her Master’s degree in Medical Technology in 2021. She conducted her master thesis at the Spinal Cord Injury Center, Balgrist University Hospital and investigated the effects of an intensive 4-week treadmill training on walking pattern in individuals with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury.

In December 2021, she started as a PhD student in the group of PD Dr. Linard Filli. Her PhD project will focus on the contribution of the reticulospinal system to movement control and functional recovery in individuals with spinal cord injury.