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Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research

David, Gergely, Dr.

University of Zurich
Spinal Cord Injury Center, Research
Balgrist University Hospital
Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 510 72 13
Email: gergely.david[at]

Gergely David is a medical physicist who obtained his PhD at the University of Zurich in 2019. He develops advanced MRI techniques in the spinal cord to investigate pathophysiological mechanisms after spinal cord injury and to improve the patients' diagnosis and prognosis. In particular, he is pioneering the use of diffusion and functional MRI in the lumbosacral cord to assess microstructural and functional changes related to lower limb impairment and bladder dysfunction. These techniques are already in use as advanced imaging markers in clinical trials such as the Swiss nation-wide TASCI study.

Besides image acquisition techniques, his research also focuses on the development of novel image processing techniques. In collaboration with the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, he develops the ACID toolbox, a comprehensive framework with state-of-the-art artifact correction and analysis techniques for spinal cord diffusion MRI data.

A list of publications can be found here: